Shark Tank

Cornell Shark Tank and Startup & Tech Networking

Pretty eventful with my stay at Cornell this week. First, there will be the annual Startup & Tech Networking tonight #CUNetworking, where 50+ companies of all sizes will show up and create quite a crowd at Sage Hall Atrium @Cornell_MBA. There will be students, alums, and every kind of attendees there, and I wonder if it can fit everyone in tonight.

Then more excitement will come tomorrow evening at the #CUSharkTank, where I have the honor to be one of the three judges on the panel, hearing from 5 competing teams of bright students from all kinds of disciplines. I wish them good luck in the final preparation to shine in the Shark Tank and grab the top prize, which includes the tickets to attend and pitch at the  @SXSW Interactive, one of the biggest startup events of the year!

Look forward to more exciting update!

Johnson Shark Tank | Feb 3 (Wed) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Duffield Atrium